Feature article

Drive leads with the perfect agent profile

Every day vendors are searching online for agents in their area. Make sure it’s your face they’re seeing.

Showcase your recent sales, current listings and personality in front of New Zealand’s most active and engaged property audience* using your agent profile through OneHub

    Here are our top 5 tips to craft the perfect profile:

      • Give prospective sellers multiple ways to engage and learn more about you by sharing your contact details, profile photo, website and social media profiles.
      • Showcase your current listings by linking your agent profile with your REAA number. It also lets you publish your sold properties which appear on your Agent Profile and in Property Insights.
      • Add a short description to demonstrate your expertise, experience, and a brief summary of what you’re all about. Do you have a family or pets? Include that info too! People find it easier to connect with others who are similar to them.
      • Highlight your awards and achievements, it might be what gives you the leading edge over another top agent in your suburb.
      • Utilise the positive word of mouth you’ve received and include a selection of client testimonials. This will show prospective buyers and sellers how great you are to work with.

      Did you know that OneHub gives you access to information about your prospective buyers – right down to what region and district they live in? You can also impress your vendors with branded reports on their listing.

      *Trade Me site statistics 01 - 30 September 2020